Born into a wealthy family in the Azores in 1760, Peter Francisco would one day change the course of history for the United States of America and the World. Peter is kidnapped by pirates at the age of five and raised as a slave on a plantation in Virginia. By the age of 16, Peter stood 6’6” – a foot taller than the average man.

Driven with passion for freedom and marrying the girl of his dreams, he joins the Continental Army after hearing Patrick Henry’s famous words, “Give me liberty or give me death!” His owner, Judge Winston, releases him from slavery to fight for freedom, and he becomes famous throughout the colonies for his extraordinary strength, bravery, and courage on the battlefield.

Towards the end of the war, George Washington has a 6’ broadsword made for Peter just in time for one of the most critical battles of the Revolution. But, the ruthless Colonel Tarleton from the British Army is determined to kill Peter and the woman that he loves. Ultimately, Peter’s fight for freedom becomes a fight to save the love of his life…


GOAL: To create a 9 episode mini-series on the life of Peter Francisco centered around the American Revolution. Offering individuals the opportunity to own a piece of history and invest in LUSO™ so that we can bring this 9-episode miniseries to life.

PURPOSE: Now more than ever, our country needs to be reminded that God gave us this great country, and He raised up courageous men who were willing to lay down their lives for our freedom. Patrick Henry said, “There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.” Peter Francisco is one of those men!

APPEAL: Faith-filled content that is captivating, entertaining, truthful, bold and fun for the whole family. We live in a day where history is being rewritten and men are confused about their gender. Our children need a real (not made up by Hollywood) male, role model that was handpicked by God Himself. We see stories like that in the Bible with Joseph and Moses, but we also see that in the birthing of the United States with stories like Peter Francisco.

SOURCES: Some of us are ancestors of Peter Francisco, and we've faithfully written a novel based on his life. We've flown to Peter's homeland in the Azores and have spent over a decade in the depths of his story. Peter's legacy means as much to us as does the history of our great nation.

TEAM: Our team has spent over 20 years in the industry both in front of and behind the camera. We've individually worked on projects such as Marvel Agents of SHIELD, LIFEMARK, The Big Bang Theory, Two & a Half Men, NCIS, The Guardian, WAR ROOM, and more.

CROWDFUNDING: Our investors have helped us to create this short film showcasing highlights of Peter's story. Next we'll be opening up the offering to the public to join in on the investment opportunities in LUSO™.

We're creating a 9 episode mini-series based on the true story of Peter Francisco, and are gauging interest to see who would be interested in bringing LUSO to life when we launch our crowdfunding campaign. Would you help support quality, God-honoring entertainment?

How Much Would You Invest?

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We're creating a 9 episode mini-series based on the true story of Peter Francisco, and are gauging interest to see who would be interested in bringing LUSO to life when we launch our crowdfunding campaign. Would you help support quality, God-honoring entertainment?

How Much Would You Invest?

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Born into a wealthy family in the Azores in 1760, Peter Francisco would one day change the course of history for the United States of America and the World. Peter is kidnapped by pirates at the age of five and raised as a slave on a plantation in Virginia. By the age of 16, Peter stood 6’6” – a foot taller than the average man.

Driven with passion for freedom and marrying the girl of his dreams, he joins the Continental Army after hearing Patrick Henry’s famous words, “Give me liberty or give me death!” His owner, Judge Winston, releases him from slavery to fight for freedom, and he becomes famous throughout the colonies for his extraordinary strength, bravery, and courage on the battlefield.

Towards the end of the war, George Washington has a 6’ broadsword made for Peter just in time for one of the most critical battles of the Revolution. But, the ruthless Colonel Tarleton from the British Army is determined to kill Peter and the woman that he loves. Ultimately, Peter’s fight for freedom becomes a fight to save the love of his life…

GOAL: To create a 9 episode mini-series on the life of Peter Francisco centered around the American Revolution. Offering individuals the opportunity to own a piece of history and invest in LUSO™ so that we can bring this 9-episode miniseries to life.

PURPOSE: Now more than ever, our country needs to be reminded that God gave us this great country, and He raised up courageous men who were willing to lay down their lives for our freedom. Patrick Henry said, “There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.” Peter Francisco is one of those men!

APPEAL: Faith-filled content that is captivating, entertaining, truthful, bold and fun for the whole family. We live in a day where history is being rewritten and men are confused about their gender. Our children need a real (not made up by Hollywood) male, role model that was handpicked by God Himself. We see stories like that in the Bible with Joseph and Moses, but we also see that in the birthing of the United States with stories like Peter Francisco.

SOURCES: Some of us are ancestors of Peter Francisco, and we've faithfully written a novel based on his life. We've flown to Peter's homeland in the Azores and have spent over a decade in the depths of his story. Peter's legacy means as much to us as does the history of our great nation.

TEAM: Our team has spent over 20 years in the industry both in front of and behind the camera. We've individually worked on projects such as Marvel Agents of SHIELD, LIFEMARK, The Big Bang Theory, Two & a Half Men, NCIS, The Guardian, WAR ROOM, and more.

CROWDFUNDING: Our investors have helped us to create this short film showcasing highlights of Peter's story. Next we'll be opening up the offering to the public to join in on the investment opportunities in LUSO™.




Travis Bowman is an author, actor, film producer and 7th generation descendant of Peter Francisco. He released his novel LUSO™ in 2009 and worked with the History Channel to produce the first ever television documentary about his famous ancestor. The documentary, The Peter Francisco Story, won a Platinum Aurora Award in 2012.

Travis has brought his great-grandfather to life over 100 times through a 30-minute dramatic impersonation for historic societies, schools, universities, and church groups across the US and Portugal.

Mr. Bowman’s work has earned him numerous awards and accolades and dozens of newspapers have published articles about him around the world. Travis is cofounder of Into The Storm Productions, LLC which manages LUSO™


A C T O R / P R O D U C E R

For over 20 years, Brian Patrick Wade has been entertaining audiences around the world with his acting skills. As an actor, he’s portrayed serious characters, comical roles, true heroes, and even comic book figures, and some people consider him one of the most diverse artists in Hollywood.

Brian was raised in Florida and shortly after college decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue his passion. Over the last two decades he’s been blessed to work with Kevin Costner, Laurence Fishburne, Ashton Kutcher, Kelsey Grammer, Clark Gregg, Chloe Bennet… just to name a few. You might recognize him from the Big Bang Theory, The Guardian, Two & Half Men, NCIS, Teen Wolf or Marvel Agents of SHIELD, and now he’s stepping into a Producer/Actor role on LUSO™. Brian is cofounder of Into The Storm Productions, LLC which manages LUSO™.


D I R E C T O R / E D I T O R

Kevin brings 20 years experience in the industry as an award-winning writer, director, editor, marketer, cinematographer, and post-production supervisor. Kevin has directed multiple documentary and feature-length projects, including LIFEMARK and Like Arrows.

He has spent the majority of his film career coming alongside other filmmakers to help market their films into box office success. Kevin has worked with SONY, AFFIRM, Pure Flix, CanZion, The Kendrick Brothers and others to help make and market films such as Lifemark, Searching for the Elephant, War Room, Overcomer, Beyond the Mask, and Courageous: Legacy.

As a father of eight, Kevin and his kids created the
Elementary Film School to teach other kids how to be better storytellers and filmmakers by using their imagination to become creators not consumers.





Travis Bowman is an author, actor, film producer and 7th generation descendant of Peter Francisco. He released his novel LUSO™ in 2009 and worked with the History Channel to produce the first ever television documentary about his famous ancestor. The documentary, The Peter Francisco Story, won a Platinum Aurora Award in 2012.

Travis has brought his great-grandfather to life over 100 times through a 30-minute dramatic impersonation for historic societies, schools, universities, and church groups across the US and Portugal.

Mr. Bowman’s work has earned him numerous awards and accolades and dozens of newspapers have published articles about him around the world. Travis is cofounder of Into The Storm Productions, LLC which manages LUSO™


A C T O R / P R O D U C E R

For over 20 years, Brian Patrick Wade has been entertaining audiences around the world with his acting skills. As an actor, he’s portrayed serious characters, comical roles, true heroes, and even comic book figures, and some people consider him one of the most diverse artists in Hollywood.

Brian was raised in Florida and shortly after college decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue his passion. Over the last two decades he’s been blessed to work with Kevin Costner, Laurence Fishburne, Ashton Kutcher, Kelsey Grammer, Clark Gregg, Chloe Bennet… just to name a few. You might recognize him from the Big Bang Theory, The Guardian, Two & Half Men, NCIS, Teen Wolf or Marvel Agents of SHIELD, and now he’s stepping into a Producer/Actor role on LUSO™. Brian is cofounder of Into The Storm Productions, LLC which manages LUSO™.


D I R E C T O R / E D I T O R

Kevin brings 20 years experience in the industry as an award-winning writer, director, editor, marketer, cinematographer, and post-production supervisor. Kevin has directed multiple documentary and feature-length projects, including LIFEMARK and Like Arrows.

He has spent the majority of his film career coming alongside other filmmakers to help market their films into box office success. Kevin has worked with SONY, AFFIRM, Pure Flix, CanZion, The Kendrick Brothers and others to help make and market films such as Lifemark, Searching for the Elephant, War Room, Overcomer, Beyond the Mask, and Courageous: Legacy.

As a father of eight, Kevin and his kids created the
Elementary Film School to teach other kids how to be better storytellers and filmmakers by using their imagination to become creators not consumers.